concept  |  education |  indigenous |  environment | arts and culture |  facility  |  the name  |  corroboree  |  status


a multi-purpose, cross-cultural, not-for-profit resource and education centre

Located in Manitoba, Corroboree will deliver a diversity of programming and activities in education, culture and the environment that will involve and benefit a wide cross section of the community and the region. It will facilitate the sharing of experiences, stories and culture, and provide a multitude of opportunities for people to share, teach, learn, grow, and have fun while discovering more about the world around them.
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sharing cultures and education are at the core

Corroboree will present an extensive slate of programs and activities to advance education for all ages. Children and youth will take part in hands-on activities, special projects and other opportunities in both formal and informal settings. Adults will attend social and intellectual events and participate in community programs and workshops. Participants will embark on a journey of discovery and cultural exploration.
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celebrating the indigenous people of Australia, Canada and New Zealand

Corroboree will provide multiple learning opportunities that explore and celebrate the history, knowledge, way of life and links between three Indigenous cultures. The schedule of performances and educational workshops will include singing, dancing, storytelling and hands-on activities.
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bringing prairie grasslands back to life

Corroboree will champion a large community prairie restoration project and facilitate environmental study to enhance understanding of and interaction with the tall grass prairie. Participants will take part in special projects and a continuing program of environmental activities.
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a showcase for arts and culture

Corroboree will showcase a variety of cultural artists and exhibitions, and play a role in extending and enhancing cultural partnerships between Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
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an innovative green meeting place and facility

Programs and activities will be presented in several sites at a single location. The primary facility will be unique, state-of-the-art, and environmentally responsible, incorporate design and energy-saving ideas and concepts, and blend Australian design elements and historical peculiarities with Canadian requirements and practicalities.
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open to all ages, interests and ethnic origins

The word corroboree (the English version of the Aboriginal word ‘caribberie’) was first used by early Europeans to describe Aboriginal ceremonies that involved singing, dancing and storytelling. It also refers to a gathering or meeting, not just of people, but also of minds and philosophies for the enrichment of all participants.
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Australia – Canada – New Zealand ... we’re closer than you think!

The citizens of these three countries have a lot in common and much to learn from each other. Commonwealth cousins with strong cultural and economic ties, Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders regard each other warmly as people with shared values and histories and a spirit of occupying unique and challenging lands. Despite being located in different hemispheres, they have a like-minded view of the world in many areas and identify with each other’s interests and concerns. Corroboree will provide a unique platform from which to explore these three cultures independently and in conjunction, as well as lay the foundation for future collaborations with other cultures and community groups in the region.
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a vision in the making

This project is currently being developed. For information on the concept, design, inclusions, team members, and opportunities for you to support this project, please contact the Project Designer.
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site support

site design Jodi Pratt


Corroboree is currently in the concept and early development phase. Photos on this site are not of actual construction or activities, but included to indicate design inspirations and proposed inclusions. All photos taken by the project designer, unless otherwise stated.

concept  |  education |  indigenous |  environment | arts and culture |  facility  |  the name  |  corroboree  |  status
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© 2009

Jenny Gates
Project Designer
+1-204-228-9959 (phone)
PO Box 42067 Ferry Road
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3J 3X7